An homage to my late grandfather, Mr. Wan Yao Huang whose publications include "The Reminiscences of Mr. Wan Yao Huang".

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Morocco Day 3: Rabat to Fes

Warned about people getting on the train at Meknes. Sure enough, some guy gets on and I'm immediately suspicious. He enters out cabin, say hi, says something to the woman next to us. He asks her a question then several minutes later she gets her baggage and leaves. Strange, since we just left the station. He starts to chat with us. Tells us he had his heart broken by a girl in Ca. That he teaches Arabic at the ALIF language school, where he met said girl. Asks us where we are staying (we tell him). Tells us not to hire any guides, official or otherwise, but also that he can hook is up with a driver to Meknes/moulay Idriss/Volunilis for 300 dh less than the riad would charge us. Asks us if we want to join him for a drink at a restaurant he recommended. Wary, we say we'll think about it. When we arrive at Fes, he says bye and leaves without further offer of meeting up. Did he sense our skepticism?  Was he genuine?  Was he a hustler?  I guess we'll never know. We don't like this feeling of immediately being suspicious of people. We want to be open and meet new people, but it is hard to figure out right now. We are too fresh.

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