An homage to my late grandfather, Mr. Wan Yao Huang whose publications include "The Reminiscences of Mr. Wan Yao Huang".

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Greetings from Bangkok

Finally have some time to sit and write. So much has happened since my last post. We made our way from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap. Along the way, I was able to sample some truly local delicacies: tarantula and grasshopper (or cricket).

When we arrived at the siem Reap bus station, we were swarmed by tranportation vendors peddling their services (mostly or all tuk tuks). Around here, it's all about who asked you first. You'll hear this a lot: "remember me, I asked you first." So, yeah I went with the first guy to approach me, though I do remember hearing someone yell out earlier, " you with the glasses..." The people here are quite proficient with their English. Our "sales rep" sounded like he'd returned to Cambodia from the States. Turns out he wasn't the driver but instead just the guy rounding up customers. He also tried to sell us accommodations and a tour package. Upon arrival at the Golden Banana Guesthouse (yes, it is run by a couple of gay guys and is lgbt friendly), our driver offered his services to be our tour guide the next several days. When I declined our cheap fare suddenly tripled from 1000riel to 3000 Riel ($0.75). No worries, we kind of expected this anyway, seeing as the original fare was ridiculously low (side note: this is one of the few instances where my general impression that most people here are honest and helpful and have two sides: business and personal. Business-wise they will try to negotiate as much as they can get up front, not that they are trying to rip you off. But after a price is negotiated thats final. Personally, they are quite nice and helpful.) So back to the fare...I gave him $1 for his trouble.


stephanie lopez said...

Gross Ken! Totally gross! Glad to see you're having fun though =)

BigTDog said...

That's awesome KW...I suppose Andrew Zimmern on Bizarre Foods has some competition.

Here's a thought: Coco y Cricket